When: Tue, Oct 17, 2017 4PM-6PM CANCELED Where: Gresham City Hall
Council Chambers
1331 NW Eastman Pky Get Map!
The Gresham Redevelopment Commission (GRDC) meets as needed on the third Tuesday of the month immediately following adjournment of the 3 p.m. Gresham City Coucnil meeting.
Meeting start time varies.
GRDC meetings allow necessary Rockwood-West Gresham Urban Renewal business to be dealt with, such as budget adoption, grant awards, public hearings, resolutions, etc.
For more information, please contact Cecille Turley, Urban Renewal Program Technician, at 503-618-2545 or Cecille.Turley@GreshamOregon.gov.
When: Mon Aug 14, 2017 7PM-9PM (New date! 2nd Monday) Where: Albertina Kerr Gresham Campus, Training Building
(small bldg, center north on property)
722 NE 162nd Av
Gresham, OR Get Map!
Neighborhood Meeting, Everyone's Invited
Join Your Neighbors. Get involved. Make a difference!
Save the date
Be sure to save Monday, August 14th at 7PM for the Wilkes East Neighborhood 2017 Summer Meeting. The meeting will be held at Albertina Kerr, 722 NE 162nd Av, Training Building (small bldg, center north on property), Gresham OR. Get map!
Guests & Topics
Speakers for the August 14th meeting include: Josh Fuhrer, Executive Director, Gresham Redevelopment Commission with a Rockwood Rising project update; Mario Palmero, Chair, Gresham City Council, highlighting what's going on at City Hall; Jay Higgins, Associate Transportation Planner, discusses City of Gresham City bike routes.
Seeking Board Members. Are you motivated, passionate, creative?
Did you know you can become a Member-at-Large at any time? Being a Board Member is a great opportunity and experience for any neighbor, whether you’ve been on a board before or you're considering the idea for the first time. No experience required. Info here! or contact any board member.
Who should attend?
This meeting is open to all residents and businesses in the Wilkes East Neighborhood!
Be Part Of Your Community. Plan To Attend.
The Wilkes East Neighborhood is located in the Northwest corner of the City of Gresham, Oregon, and is one of Gresham's sixteen neighborhoods. Wilkes East Neighborhood borders are roughly NE Sandy Blvd to the north, NE 181st Ave to the east, NE Glisan St to the south, and NE 162nd Ave to the west. Get map!.
Mario Palmero Chair Gresham City Council highlighting what's going on at City Hall
Jay Higgins Associate Transportation Planner discusses City of Gresham City bike routes
plus a Nadaka update and neighborhood news.
Watch for these red & white Meeting Signs the week before our meeting. The signs were purchased with assistance of the City of Gresham Neighborhood Grant Program, and with volunteer hours to set them out and retrieve them. Signs Now NW also made a generous contribution to this project.
Gresham City Hall's ambitious plans to reshape the heart of Rockwood are nearly finalized.
All told, public leaders and private developers will plunk down at least $40 million to create the three-building development located between Burnside Road and the "Mohawk" MAX light-rail station at Stark Street and Southeast 188th Avenue.
As The Outlook previously reported, site designs call for commercial office space, residential apartments and an indoor/outdoor marketplace orbiting a central plaza.
The project, branded as "Rockwood Rising," sits on 5.15 acres that formerly housed west Gresham's Fred Meyer. The city's Redevelopment Commission purchased the land for $8.1 million in 2006.
The plans for the Rockwood Rising Redevelopment Project are nearing completion and are open to the public. Zane Sparling, of the Gresham Outlook, offers a breakdown of the design here.
Newsletters are a regular publication of the Wilkes East Neighborhood Association. They are hand-delivered to over 1,500 residences and businesses in our area 3 times per year, timed to correspond with our regular meetings.
Got a story or tip to share?
Wilkes East residents are encouraged to submit articles and tips for the newsletter. Articles should be limited to 300-350 words and may be subject to editing. Send by email to info@wilkeseastna.org, or by postal mail to: PO Box 536 • Fairview, OR 97024.
Volunteers Needed
Newsletters are hand-delivered to Wilkes East residents and businesses by neighborhood volunteers. There are usually routes that need delivery people. Routes are small and many. We can always use your help. To volunteer contact info@wilkeseastna.org.
When: Tue, Apr 18, 2017 4PM-6PM Where: Gresham City Hall
Council Chambers
1331 NW Eastman Pky Get Map!
The Gresham Redevelopment Commission (GRDC) meets as needed on the third Tuesday of the month immediately following adjournment of the 3 p.m. Gresham City Coucnil meeting.
Meeting start time varies.
GRDC meetings allow necessary Rockwood-West Gresham Urban Renewal business to be dealt with, such as budget adoption, grant awards, public hearings, resolutions, etc.
For more information, please contact Cecille Turley, Urban Renewal Program Technician, at 503-618-2545 or Cecille.Turley@GreshamOregon.gov.
When: Tue, Mar 21, 2017 4PM-6PM Where: Gresham City Hall
Council Chambers
1331 NW Eastman Pky Get Map!
The Gresham Redevelopment Commission (GRDC) meets as needed on the third Tuesday of the month immediately following adjournment of the 3 p.m. Gresham City Coucnil meeting.
Meeting start time varies.
GRDC meetings allow necessary Rockwood-West Gresham Urban Renewal business to be dealt with, such as budget adoption, grant awards, public hearings, resolutions, etc.
For more information, please contact Cecille Turley, Urban Renewal Program Technician, at 503-618-2545 or Cecille.Turley@GreshamOregon.gov.
Newsletters are a regular publication of the Wilkes East Neighborhood Association. They are hand-delivered to over 1,500 residences and businesses in our area 3 times per year, timed to correspond with our regular meetings.
Got a story or tip to share?
Wilkes East residents are encouraged to submit articles and tips for the newsletter. Articles should be limited to 300-350 words and may be subject to editing. Send by email to info@wilkeseastna.org, or by postal mail to: PO Box 536 • Fairview, OR 97024.
Volunteers Needed
Newsletters are hand-delivered to Wilkes East residents and businesses by neighborhood volunteers. There are usually routes that need delivery people. Routes are small and many. We can always use your help. To volunteer contact info@wilkeseastna.org.
GRDC meetings allow necessary Rockwood-West Gresham Urban Renewal business to be dealt with, such as budget adoption, grant awards, public hearings, resolutions, etc.
For more information, please contact Cecille Turley, Urban Renewal Program Technician, at 503-618-2545 or Cecille.Turley@GreshamOregon.gov.
Thank You!
Wilkes East Neighborhood would like express our gratitude to the following for their generous contributions & continued support:
• Jazzy Bagels, Main St & Powell
• Parkrose Hardware, 106th & Sandy
• Growers Outlet, 162nd & Glisan
• SOLV, Bringing Oregon together
• Albertsons, 181st & Glisan
• And, all the many volunteers!