Urban Renewal

Gresham Redevelopment Commission May 18, 2021 Meeting: Tue, May 18, 2021 2PM

05/18/2021 - 2:00pm
05/18/2021 - 3:00pm
Gresham Redevelopment Commission May 18, 2021 Meeting: Tue, May 18, 2021 2PM. Get involved, Make a difference. Info here!

Get involved, Make a difference

When: Tue, May 18, 2021 2PM
Where: Online meeting via Zoom
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The Gresham Redevelopment Commission (GRDC) meets as needed on the third Tuesday of the month following the 1:00 pm Gresham City Council meeting. The GRDC meeting start time will vary depending on the length of the Gresham City Council meeting.

GRDC meetings allow necessary Urban Renewal business to be dealt with, such a bid and grant awards, budget adoption, public hearings, resolutions, approval of projects and related updates, and policy and property matters.

COVID-19 emergency order meeting procedure

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the meetings are held online via Zoom.

How to attend and access agenda materials

  • The Zoom meeting log-in/call-in information is listed on the first page of the meeting agenda. The agenda and related materials are posted on the Council Meeting Agendas and Videos web page under Upcoming Events (Redevelopment Commission applicable meeting), and on the Gresham Redevelopment Commission web page in the Meeting agendas and minutes section. Agenda materials are posted to those locations approximately one week before the meeting.
  • If you are unable to access the meeting via Zoom, contact Cecille Turley, Program Technician, at 503-618-2545 or Cecille.Turley@GreshamOregon.gov no later than 2:00 pm the day before the meeting so the City can provide alternate arrangements.

How to provide testimony

  • Residents who want to provide oral testimony must register their name, e-mail address, phone number, and subject matter no later than 2:00 pm the day before the meeting via email to Cecille Turley, Program Technician, at Cecille.Turley@GreshamOregon.gov.
  • Residents who want to provide written testimony must submit their written testimony no later than 2:00 pm the day before the meeting via email to Cecille Turley, Program Technician at Cecille.Turley@GreshamOregon.gov so the testimony can be provided to the GRDC before the meeting.

For more information, contact Cecille Turley, Program Technician, at 503-618-2545 or Cecille.Turley@GreshamOregon.gov.

City of Gresham Gresham Redevelopment Commission Advisory Committee Mar Meeting: Wed, Mar 10, 2021 6PM-8PM

03/10/2021 - 6:00pm
03/10/2021 - 8:00pm
City of Gresham Gresham Redevelopment Commission Advisory Committee Mar Meeting: Wed, Mar 10, 2021 6PM-8PM. Get involved, Make a difference. Info here!

Get involved, Make a difference

When: Wed, Mar 10, 2021 6PM-8PM
Where: Online meeting via Zoom

The Gresham Redevelopment Commission Advisory Committee (GRDCAC) advises the Gresham Redevelopment Commission (GRDC) on the implementation of urban renewal plans. Members are appointed to three-year terms and must be electors residing within the City of Gresham. Insofar as possible, candidates who are residents of the Rockwood-West Gresham Urban Renewal Area (URA) shall receiving preference in appointment.

For questions about meeting agendas and minutes, or to receive meeting agendas, contact the Recording Secretary at 503-618-3208 or Amy.Evans@GreshamOregon.gov.

Download the Wilkes East Neighborhood Spring 2021 Newsletter here!

Download the Wilkes East Neighborhood Spring 2021 Newsletter here! Wilkes East Neighborhood, Gresham Oregon USA. Diversity, Harmony, Community- Together 'WE' can make a difference.

2021 Spring Newsletter

"Diversity, Harmony, Community -
Together 'WE' can make a difference!”

alt=Read it now!

Spring 2021 Newsletter

Inside This Issue:

  • Downtown Rockwood Arrives
  • Albertina Kerr Housing Update
  • Wilkes East Land-Use Update
  • Reporting Livability Issues
  • Hazardous Spills, Who To Call
  • Neighborhood Tree Outreach

Download your copy here. (includes active web links)

Newsletters are a regular publication of the Wilkes East Neighborhood Association. They are hand-delivered to over 1,500 residences and businesses in our area 3 times per year, timed to correspond with our regular meetings.

View archive   |   Policy & Ad Rates

Got a story or tip to share?
Wilkes East residents are encouraged to submit articles and tips for the newsletter. Articles should be limited to 300-500 words and may be subject to editing Include a related photo. Send by email to chair@wilkeseastna.org, or by postal mail to: 17104 NE Oregon St • Portland OR 97230.

Volunteers Needed
Newsletters are hand-delivered to Wilkes East residents and businesses by neighborhood volunteers. There are always routes that need delivery people. Routes are small and many. We can always use your help.
To volunteer contact chair@wilkeseastna.org.

Gresham Redevelopment Commission Jan 19, 2021 Meeting: Tue, Jan 19, 2021 2PM-3PM

01/19/2021 - 2:00pm
01/19/2021 - 3:00pm
Gresham Redevelopment Commission Jan 19, 2021 Meeting: Tue, Jan 19, 2021 2PM-3PM. Get involved, Make a difference. Info here!

Get involved, Make a difference

When: Tue, Jan 19, 2021 2PM-3PM
Where: Online meeting via Zoom

The Gresham Redevelopment Commission (GRDC) meets as needed on the third Tuesday of the month at 2:00 pm, subject to change. GRDC meetings allow necessary Urban Renewal business to be dealt with, such a bid and grant awards, budget adoption, public hearings, resolutions, approval of projects and related updates, and policy and property matters.

COVID-19 emergency order meeting procedure

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the meetings are held online via Zoom.

How to attend and access agenda materials

  • The Zoom meeting log-in/call-in information is listed on the first page of the meeting agenda. The agenda and related materials are posted on the Council Meeting Agendas and Videos web page under Upcoming Events (Redevelopment Commission applicable meeting), and on the Gresham Redevelopment Commission web page in the Meeting agendas and minutes section. Agenda materials are posted to those locations approximately one week before the meeting.
  • If you are unable to access the meeting via Zoom, contact Cecille Turley, Program Technician, at 503-618-2545 or Cecille.Turley@GreshamOregon.gov no later than 24 hours before the meeting start time so the City can provide alternate arrangements.

How to provide testimony

  • Residents who want to provide oral testimony must register their name, e-mail address, phone number, and subject matter no later than 24 hours before the meeting start time via email to Cecille Turley, Program Technician, at Cecille.Turley@GreshamOregon.gov.
  • Residents who want to provide written testimony must submit their written testimony no later than 24 hours before the meeting start time via email to Cecille Turley, Program Technician at Cecille.Turley@GreshamOregon.gov so the testimony can be provided to the GRDC before the meeting.

For more information, contact Cecille Turley, Program Technician, at 503-618-2545 or Cecille.Turley@GreshamOregon.gov.

Gresham Redevelopment Commission Dec 15, 2020 Meeting: Tue, Dec 15, 2020 2PM-3PM

12/15/2020 - 2:00pm
12/15/2020 - 3:00pm
Gresham Redevelopment Commission Dec 15, 2020 Meeting: Tue, Dec 15, 2020 2PM-3PM. Get involved, Make a difference. Info here!

Get involved, Make a difference

When: Tue, Dec 15, 2020 2PM-3PM
Where: Online meeting via Zoom
Get Map!

The Gresham Redevelopment Commission (GRDC) meets as needed on the third Tuesday of the month. GRDC meetings allow necessary Urban Renewal business to be dealt with, such as advisory committee reports, bid and grant awards, budget adoption, public hearings, resolutions, project updates and policy matters.

COVID-19 emergency order meeting procedure

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the meetings are held online via Zoom, typically on the third Tuesday of the month 30 minutes following adjournment of the 10:00 am Gresham City Council, with some exceptions to that schedule. The Dec.15 meeting will start at 2:00 pm.

How to attend and access agenda materials

  • The Zoom meeting log-in/call-in information is listed on the first page of the meeting agenda. The agenda and related materials are posted on the Council Meeting Agendas and Videos web page under Upcoming Events and on the Gresham Redevelopment Commission web page in the Meeting agendas and minutes section. Agenda materials are posted to those locations approximately one week before the meeting.
  • If you are unable to access the meeting via Zoom, contact Cecille Turley, Program Technician, by calling 503-618-2545 no later than 24 hours before to the meeting start time so the City can provide alternate arrangements.

How to provide testimony

  • Residents wishing to provide oral testimony must register their name, e-mail address, phone number, and subject matter no later than 24 hours before the meeting start time via email to Cecille Turley, Program Technician, at Cecille.Turley@GreshamOregon.gov.
  • Residents wishing to provide written testimony must submit their written testimony no later than 24 hours before the meeting start time via email to Cecille Turley, Program Technician at Cecille.Turley@GreshamOregon.gov so the testimony can be provided to the GRDC before the meeting.

For more information, contact Cecille Turley, Program Technician, at 503-618-2545 or Cecille.Turley@GreshamOregon.gov.

Wilkes East Neighborhood, 2020 Fall Meeting: Mon Nov 09, 2020 7PM-8:30PM

11/09/2020 - 7:00pm
11/09/2020 - 8:30pm
Wilkes East Neighborhood 2020 Fall Meeting: Mon Nov 09, 2020 7PM-8:30PM. Everyone's invited! Join your Neighbors. Get involved. Make a difference! Online meeting via Zoom. Info here!

Watch for these red & white Meeting Signs the week before our meeting.

Fall Meeting Notice

When: Mon Nov 09, 2020 7PM-8:30PM
Where: Online meeting via Zoom

Click here to Join Meeting

Meeting ID: 552 671 8670
Passcode: #Neighbors

Neighborhood Meeting, Everyone's Invited

Join Your Neighbors. Get involved. Make a difference!

Save the date
Be sure to save Monday, Nov 9th at 7PM for the Wilkes East Neighborhood 2020 Fall Meeting. The meeting will be held online via Zoom meeting.


  • Robin Sells, Gresham Chief of Police
  • Emily Bower, Executive Dir, City of Gresham Redevelopment, Downtown Rockwood
  • Election of Officers
  • Lee Dayfield, Parks Advocate, Progress report to get a Parks District for Gresham
  • Neighborhood news and more

Dial-in Zoom
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 552 671 8670
Passcode: 5705607294

Seeking Board Members.   Are you motivated, passionate, creative?
Did you know you can become a Member-at-Large at any time? Being a Board Member is a great opportunity and experience for any neighbor, whether you’ve been on a board before or you're considering the idea for the first time. No experience required. Nominate yourself. Info here! or contact any board member. Get involved! Make a difference!

Who should attend?
Participation is open to all residents who live, own property or a business, organization, church or government agency within our boundaries

Be Part Of Your Community. Plan To Attend.

The Wilkes East Neighborhood is located in the northwest corner of the City of Gresham, Oregon, and is one of Gresham's sixteen neighborhoods. Wilkes East Neighborhood borders are roughly NE Sandy Blvd to the north, NE 181st Ave to the east, NE Glisan St to the south, and NE 162nd Ave to the west. Get map!.

Wilkes East Neighborhood Meeting Signs. Info here!

Watch for these red & white Meeting Signs the week before our meeting. The signs were purchased with assistance of the City of Gresham Neighborhood Grant Program, and with volunteer hours to set them out and retrieve them. Signs Now NW also made a generous contribution to this project.

Mark your calendar. See you there!

Questions or comments?
Contact Wilkes East Neighborhood by email at info@wilkeseastna.org, or by postal mail to: Wilkes East Neighborhood, 17104 NE Oregon St, Portland Oregon 97230

Gresham Redevelopment Commission Nov 17, 2020 Meeting: Tue, Nov 17, 2020 11:30AM-12:30PM

11/17/2020 - 11:30am
11/17/2020 - 12:30pm
Gresham Redevelopment Commission Nov 17, 2020 Meeting: Tue, Nov 17, 2020 11:30AM-12:30PM. Get involved, Make a difference. Info here!

Get involved, Make a difference

When: Tue, Nov 17, 2020 11:30AM-12:30PM
Where: Online meeting via Zoom

Gresham Redevelopment Commission (GRDC) meetings allow necessary Urban Renewal business to be dealt with, such as advisory committee reports, bid and grant awards, budget adoption, public hearings, resolutions, project updates and policy matters.

COVID-19 emergency order meeting procedure

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the meetings are held online via Zoom, typically on the third Tuesday of the month 30 minutes following adjournment of the 10:00 am Gresham City Council, with some exceptions to that schedule.

How to attend and access agenda material

  • For Zoom meeting log-in/call-in information, please see the meeting agenda on the Council Meeting Agendas and Videos page under Upcoming Events or the Gresham Redevelopment Commission page. Agenda materials are posted to those locations approximately one week before the meeting
  • If you are unable to access the meeting via Zoom, contact Cecille Turley, Program Technician, by calling 503-618-2545 no later than 24 hours before to the meeting start time so the City can provide alternate arrangements.

How to provide testimony

  • Residents wishing to provide oral testimony must register their name, e-mail address, phone number, and subject matter no later than 24 hours before the meeting start time via email to Cecille Turley, Program Technician, at Cecille.Turley@GreshamOregon.gov.
  • Residents wishing to provide written testimony must submit their written testimony no later than 24 hours before the meeting start time via email to Cecille Turley, Program Technician at Cecille.Turley@GreshamOregon.gov so the testimony can be provided to the GRDC before the meeting.

For more information, contact Cecille Turley, Program Technician, at 503-618-2545 or Cecille.Turley@GreshamOregon.gov.

Gresham Redevelopment Commission Sep 15, 2020 Meeting: Tue, Sep 15, 2020 11:30AM-12:30PM

09/15/2020 - 11:30am
09/15/2020 - 12:30pm
Gresham Redevelopment Commission Sep 15, 2020 Meeting: Tue, Sep 15, 2020 11:30AM-12:30PM. Get involved, Make a difference. Info here!

Get involved, Make a difference

When: Tue, Sep 15, 2020 11:30AM-12:30PM
Where: Online meeting via Zoom

The Gresham Redevelopment Commission (GRDC) meets as needed on the third Tuesday of the month. GRDC meetings allow necessary Urban Renewal business to be dealt with, such as advisory committee reports, bid and grant awards, budget adoption, public hearings, resolutions, project updates and policy matters.

COVID-19 emergency order meeting procedure

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, until further notice, City Hall is closed and all meetings will be held online via Zoom. The GRDC meetings will convene 30 minutes after adjournment of the 10:00 am Gresham City Council meetings on third Tuesdays. See below for meeting start time, instructions on how to access the meeting via Zoom, and how to provide oral or written testimony. Agenda materials for the meetings are posted on the GRDC web page approximately one week before the meetings.

September 15, 2020 meeting

The meeting will be held online via Zoom. The meeting start time and Instructions on how to access the meeting via Zoom will be posted here approximately one week before the meeting.

Please note:

  • Persons who desire to access the meeting and are unable to access the meeting via Zoom are encouraged to notify Cecille Turley, Program Technician, by calling 503-618-2545 no later than 24 hours before the meeting start time so that the City can provide alternate arrangements.
  • Citizens who desire to provide oral testimony during the meeting must register their name, e-mail address, phone number, and subject matter no later than 24 hours before the meeting start time via email to Cecille Turley, Program Technician, at Cecille.Turley@GreshamOregon.gov.
  • Citizens who desire to provide written testimony for the meeting must submit their written testimony no later than 24 hours before the meeting start time via email to Cecille Turley, Program Technician at Cecille.Turley@GreshamOregon.gov to allow the testimony to be forwarded to the GRDC.

Zoom meeting access information

The Zoom meeting access options will be posted here approximately one week before the meeting.

Contact Us

For more information, contact Cecille Turley at 503-618-2545 or Cecille.Turley@GreshamOregon.gov.

Gresham Redevelopment Commission Aug 18, 2020 Meeting: Tue, Aug 18, 2020 4PM-6PM

08/18/2020 - 4:00pm
08/18/2020 - 6:00pm
Gresham Redevelopment Commission Aug 18, 2020 Meeting: Tue, Aug 18, 2020 4PM-6PM. Get involved, Make a difference. Info here!

Get involved, Make a difference

When: Tue, Aug 18, 2020 4PM-6PM
Where: Gresham City Hall
Council Chambers
1331 NW Eastman Pky
Get Map!

The Gresham Redevelopment Commission (GRDC) meets as needed on the third Tuesday of the month immediately following adjournment of the 3:00 pm Gresham City Council meeting.

Meeting start time varies.

GRDC meetings allow necessary Rockwood-West Gresham Urban Renewal business to be dealt with, such as approval of projects, budget adoption, committee appointments, public hearings, resolutions, etc.

For more information, contact Cecille Turley, Urban Renewal Program Technician, at 503-618-2545 or Cecille.Turley@GreshamOregon.gov.

Gresham Redevelopment Commission Jul 21, 2020 Meeting: Tue, Jul 21, 2020 4PM-6PM

07/21/2020 - 4:00pm
07/21/2020 - 6:00pm
Gresham Redevelopment Commission Jul 21, 2020 Meeting: Tue, Jul 21, 2020 4PM-6PM. Get involved, Make a difference. Info here!

Get involved, Make a difference

When: Tue, Jul 21, 2020 4PM-6PM
Where: Gresham City Hall
Council Chambers
1331 NW Eastman Pky
Get Map!

The Gresham Redevelopment Commission (GRDC) meets as needed on the third Tuesday of the month immediately following adjournment of the 3:00 pm Gresham City Council meeting.

Meeting start time varies

GRDC meetings allow necessary Rockwood-West Gresham Urban Renewal business to be dealt with, such as approval of projects, budget adoption, committee appointments, public hearings, resolutions, etc.

For more information, contact Cecille Turley, Urban Renewal Program Technician, at 503-618-2545 or Cecille.Turley@GreshamOregon.gov.

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