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Albertina Kerr Project Phase I; Jun 1st Construction Update

Albertina Kerr Begins Construction on $1.5M Project in West Gresham. Phase I; Jun 1st Construction Update. Info here!

Phase I; Jun 1st Construction Update
A message to our neighbors from Pam Krecklow, Real Estate & Construction Manager, Albertina Kerr:


As promised, it was a quieter week, the fiberglass windows with the safety glass got installed in the new Residence (right, background).

Albertina Kerr Project Phase I; May 23rd Construction Update; Subacute facility tak3s shape. Click to enlarge.
Albertina Kerr, Subacute facility (foreground)

The safety glass is designed to withhold (5) 50lb drops of a steel ball. The State (of Oregon) was by to walk through the new Residence and everyone is very excited to see it come to fruition. The Subacute addition (right foreground) is framed-in and the interior walls are up. It's becoming quite the space. Been working with everyone on interior colors and finishes, will have them buttoned up here in the next couple of weeks. Always a good sign there is an end in sight, as getting the finishes/color in is one of the last things to do.

This next week expect:

  • The Residence to be water tight with the windows and siding finished
  • Begin plywood and sheetrock install on inside of Residence
  • Roofing and exterior finishes going on Subacute addition
  • The Louise will be quiet for a while as we are done with the interior demo and waiting on approval for next steps.

All the dramatic drama is pretty much over, at least until the end of this month when we start to finish up the site work.

A heads-up to Subacute, tie in to existing equipment (plumbing, electrical, mechanical/furnace, fire system, etc.) is going to be starting in earnest in the next couple of weeks. I am sorry to say this will be a big inconvenience, as it will means guys in the hallways (mainly therapist hallway but gym hallway also) and some noise. The residence wings will remain free of physical disturbance but circulation throughout the building will be impacted. There is no reason to panic, this is just a heads up it is on the way. I don't have any specifics yet but as soon as I do we will be working through scheduling and all the other issues to make it as convenient and painless as we possibly can. If you need any incentive to get you through this next part, just go out and look at the addition. It is going to be fabulous!

No changes in parking this next week and there remains parking available up and around the Louise Building.

One more week down, only nine more to go!

Any questions, issues, concerns, please let me know.

Pam Krecklow
Albertina Kerr

Gresham's temporary $7.50 utility fee now permanent with council vote on June 3, 2014

Gresham's temporary $7.50 utility fee now permanent with council vote on June 3, 2014. Info here!
City of Gresham, Fire & Rescue

The Gresham City Council on Tuesday voted unanimously to make permanent an expiring $7.50 monthly utility fee to help stave off cuts to police and fire services, two weeks after voters rejected a property tax increase intended for that purpose.

Source: oregonlive.com (Jun 4, 2014)

The utility fee is now expected bring in $3.7 million in 2014-15. The tax would have raised $5.4 million toward next year's budget. Budget Director Sharron Monohon said officials would suggest amendments to the city's proposed budget to keep it in balance.

"We have no choice but to protect our people," said council member Karylinn Echols.

The utility fee was due to expire June 30.

The city's proposed budget for the 2014-15 fiscal year, which starts July 1, included $5.4 million from an "unspecified source" that would replace the sunsetting fee.

City leaders had hoped the new source would be a tax hike of $1.25 per $1,000 in taxable assessed property value at the May 20 ballot. The vote was so close that Mayor Shane Bemis wouldn't concede defeat for days afterward. But the narrow margin against the measure persisted as the final votes were counted. Read more.

Gresham leaders want to renew a sun-setting monthly fee after tax measure's defeat May 20th

Gresham leaders want to renew a sun-setting monthly fee after tax measure's defeat May 20th. Info here!
City of Gresham, Fire & Rescue

Gresham officials made clear this week they are unwilling to cut more than $5 million from public safety and parks, a little more than a week after voters narrowly defeated a tax levy that would have paid the bill.

Source: oregonlive.com (May 30, 2014)

The only solution to the funding gap that elected officials and appointees to a city budget committee offered at meeting Thursday?

Reinstating a "temporary" fee charged through city utility bills. And that fee may go up from the $7.50 residents have been paying each month for more than a year.

Mayor Shane Bemis called for the Gresham City Council to meet in a special session immediately before the budget committee meets Tuesday (June 3, 2014, 6:30PM) evening. Bemis, a key backer of the failed tax measure, made it clear he expects members to vote for an alternative source of funding. Read more.

Albertina Kerr Project Phase I; May 12th Construction Update

Albertina Kerr Begins Construction on $1.5M Project in West Gresham. Phase I; May 12th Construction Update. Info here!

Phase I; April May 12th Construction Update
A message to our neighbors from Pam Krecklow, Real Estate & Construction Manager, Albertina Kerr:


After last week, this week is going to be a bit boring. Hard to compete with the dramatic fall of the old exterior wall that faced 165th as we finished the cut-in. If you wish to see the video see Krisanne or let me know and I can send it to you.

Albertina Kerr Project Phase I; Sub-Acure Framing (fore), New Residents Facility (back)
Albertina Kerr, Sub-Acute framing begins

We also got completed last week:

  • The exterior framing of the residence
  • The cold storage building demolished (campus looks really different now)
  • Subacute framing started

This next week is going to be less exciting but a bit noisy as we hammer, hammer, hammer on:

  • Roofing on the residence
  • Continue framing on Subacute
  • We will also be moving inside on the new residence working on rough in for plumbing, electrical, and equipment install
  • Also decommissioning the old well this week

But the weather and progress should keep us all happy.

Please let me know if there are any issues, questions, concerns in regards to the construction.

Pam Krecklow
Albertina Kerr

LED Streetlight Conversion Begins in West Gresham's Wilkes East Neighborhood

LED Streetlight Conversion Begins in West Gresham's Wilkes East Neighborhood, May 2014. Click to enlarge.
LED streetlight, Capri Terrace

Monday, May 19th, the Capri Terrace area of Wilkes East began receiving new LED streetlights -- replacing the old familiar 'pink glow' high-pressure sodium lights. The new streetlights are white, bright and money saving, but some folks say they also create more shadows at night.

What a bright idea: Gresham switching to LED streetlights

Source: Gresham Outlook website

Cost to keep lights on will go from $600,000 a year to $100,000 with new program

In yet another green effort to save energy and money, Gresham is starting a major streetlight replacement project, which will convert the city’s streetlights to high-efficiency LED bulbs. The move will save approximately $500,000 a year in costs.

Cities across the nation — even the globe — are turning to light-emitting diode lights as a way to save money and the environment.

Albertina Kerr Project Phase I; May 23rd Construction Update

Albertina Kerr Begins Construction on $1.5M Project in West Gresham. Phase I; May 23rd Construction Update. Info here!

Phase I; April May 23rd Construction Update
A message to our neighbors from Pam Krecklow, Real Estate & Construction Manager, Albertina Kerr:


Well one more week down! By the end of May (yes that is next week) the residence will be water tight and Subacute will almost be.

Albertina Kerr Project Phase I; May 23rd Construction Update; Subacute facility tak3s shape. Click to enlarge.
Albertina Kerr, Subacute facility

We got our new fiberglass windows with the safety glass for the residence delivered today and Subacute's windows are in town pending site delivery. As soon as the framing gets complete they will be brought to site and installed.

Next week we are:

  • Having another crane on site on Tuesday to finish up lifting all the metal framing for the Subacute expansion
  • Finishing up Subacute's framing
  • Will be addressing siding and windows for the residence
  • And continuing rough in plumbing, electrical, and mechanical install for both buildings
  • I will also be doing some soil testing for the next phase of projects, this will include a trench being dug behind the Chapel and at the Louise

Sorry to say that most of the fun/exciting parts are completed. By end of next week we will be moving inside. The project will appear to go to a snail's pace as we begin all the interior work that isn't as visible. But so far we are still on schedule and just keep moving forward. Don't worry it will get exciting again when we start finishing up the site work, get the new driveways paved, and landscaping installed.

Since we got all the roof trusses this last week, we were able to open up some additional parking for Subacute guest parking. The guest parking is marked and the Gravel, Chapel, and Louise lots are still available as reflected on the parking plan.

Hope everyone has a fabulous Holiday weekend and we are back it on Tuesday.

Please let me know if there are any issues, questions, concerns in regards to the construction.

Pam Krecklow
Albertina Kerr

Albertina Kerr Project Phase I; May 16th Construction Update

Albertina Kerr Begins Construction on $1.5M Project in West Gresham. Phase I; May 12th Construction Update. Info here!

Phase I; April May 12th Construction Update
A message to our neighbors from Pam Krecklow, Real Estate & Construction Manager, Albertina Kerr:


I see the weather is not going to hold over the weekend but doesn't matter as we have roofing on the new residence. We also have a squeaky clean Louise Building with no asbestos anywhere, although there are no interior walls either. Plus the well is decommissioned. What more can a girl ask for, other than having the well trucks removed, that is? Another fruitful week that keeps us moving forward.

Albertina Kerr Expansion Phase I, May 16, 2014 Update: New Resident's Facility takes shape. Click to enlarge.
Albertina Kerr, New Residents Facility
Albertina Kerr Expansion Phase I, May 16, 2014 Update: Sub-Acute Facility framing begins. Click to enlarge.
Albertina Kerr, New SubAcute Facility

Next week's activities include:

  • More hammering as we continue to frame interior and exterior of both buildings
  • Electrical, Plumbing, and Mechanical rough in's
  • Delivery of windows for the residence and roof trusses for Subacute

We ran into some trouble with the core drills that attempted to happen today (Friday) but didn't. So will be trying again next week with a different method. As I know more about times and days I will pass that information along.

I know Subacute had some issues with noise this last week and we have shifted the saws to attempt to keep the noise level down. The good news is we are done with work on the existing building plus we have completed the concrete sawing both were very loud and disrupting. It is my hope the noise level stays down from here on out.

We are going to need to start equipment tie in at Subacute here in the next couple of weeks. Andersen and I are trying to come up with a plan to keep everyone out of the gym but if you do hear noise in the ceiling, it is not pests, only guys tying into the existing furnace, air conditioning, fire, and plumbing systems. I have asked about equipment shut down times but am being told most systems won't need to shut down. But we all know how that goes. Stay tuned for daily announcements as we move forward.

Hoping to open up more parking now that well is decommissioned and work in that area is completed. Plus once all the trusses get on site the really big trucks should not be coming to campus any more. I do promise it will quiet down here real soon. Besides we will be officially half way done end of next week! Sounds like a party in the making to me. Anyone have any good ideas let me know.

As always if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions please let me know.

Pam Krecklow
Albertina Kerr

Albertina Kerr Project Phase I; May 2nd Construction Update

Albertina Kerr Begins Construction on $1.5M Project in West Gresham. Phase I; April May 2nd Construction Update. Info here!

Phase I; April May 2nd Construction Update
A message to our neighbors from Pam Krecklow, Real Estate & Construction Manager, Albertina Kerr:


No flooding this week, but we have had wood flying! The crane was here pulling trusses off the truck and up onto the new walls of the residence. Always exciting to see that.

Albertina Kerr Project Phase I; New Residents Facility Takes Shape
Albertina Kerr, New Residents Facility

This week's activities also included:

  • Temporary fence moved at Subacute - It didn't rain for me but we only had to have the playground down Thursday morning & Friday to mid-afternoon so everyone got to enjoy the sunshine while it is here.
  • Slab poured for Subacute - Contractor was happy it didn't rain too.
  • Finished up most of the messy demo at the Louise, there will still be activity but not major activity.

Next week is another big week:

  • We start the week by building a new temporary exterior wall in Subacute so that we can begin the tie in to the existing building. Expecting to only have the group room out of commission for about 4 hours and then we will be out of staffs hair. Although, keep in mind there will still be outside noise this next week as we demolish some of the existing building's exterior but hoping to be quick.
  • Will finish the framing on the residence and begin framing the Subacute expansion. We have two more delivery of trusses for the expansion so more big trucks next week.
  • Contractor didn't get the Cold Storage Building demolished, had to pull equipment for an emergency in Eugene, but will be addressing on Monday and then we will finish up the well decommissioning so expect activity around that area most of next week. Luckily we moved the fence so the playground can remain open.

Future Attractions:

  • Things will remain fast and furious for another week or two as we finish up framing and then it will subside to a snail's pace as we move into the interior, so enjoy it while you can.
  • This also means that will have to begin equipment tie in. This is a couple weeks out but putting it on everyone's radar as it will be yet another inconvenience for Subacute. Again a couple weeks out yet, so no reason to panic as we will work out plans prior to doing any work.

Please remember that we can park all over campus, so even if there is no parking close to your building there is parking somewhere on Campus. The parking plan is still valid. After the last of the trusses are delivered we will be able to open up some additional parking which will relieve any pressure.

As always a huge thanks for being patient and understanding as all the pieces fall into place. I am exhausted after another busy week but got to walk through the new residence today and although ready to collapse, am very excited to see it all coming together.

Pam Krecklow
Albertina Kerr

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